We have so much to look forward to in 2016!
Greetings, K Fitters! Only two days left of this tumultuous year. We can't wait to see what 2016 brings!
We want to give you a quick update on where things stand with our permanent space. Crank is moving slower than we were hoping. The latest information we have is that they will be moved out of our space by January 15th. Our contractor will be able to get in there and do what he needs to do to get us going. We have big plans for K Fit and we're so excited to move forward, but we're going to start with what we can do quickly to get in there and then add as we go along.
Secondly, I've shared this with a few of you, but we wanted you all to know that the rent money we've been paying at the Taekwondo studio has all been going to the Nepalese Rebuilding Project. Isn't that wonderful?!? If any of you have end-of-year donations you'd like to make, Master Dan is happy to accept and forward the money to this project.
And, finally, as you all probably know by now, Chris is back!! And she's going to start coaching!! And she has her own brand new website and is teaming up with Abby Bliss White to prepare Abby's detox recipes for delivery to those of you who want to detox with us but don't want to cook!!! It's so exciting!!!
This detox is starting January 18th. You can sign up right here! Once you sign up, you'll get all the information you need for your Fresh Start 14-day Detox!
Step two, if you're interested in having your food prepared and delivered, check in with Chris! In the next few days she'll have forms up on her site where you'll be able to make some choices about soups, salads, entrees so that you don't end up with beets if you don't like beets (just as an example).
That's a lot of year-end information! If you have questions, call me! Message me!! Call Tammy! Message Tammy!! We are here for you!
Happy New Years, my beauties!