

My journey began over ten years ago when I decided to change my life.  I saw a photo of myself and did not recognize the woman in the swimsuit holding my daughter’s hand.  I thought, who is that?  And then it hit me, I did not know myself anymore.  I had been hiding behind baggy clothing and feeling terrible about myself.  

I decided to change and got serious about weight loss, losing 45 pounds with group support, and I slowly started to get back to running.  I wanted to feel like the best me possible!  

Running a marathon had always been on my bucket list so I trained for the Portland Marathon and learned that crossing the finish line of a marathon is one of life’s sweetest moments!  After completing ten marathons in fives years, I was inspired to help other women feel the best they could, and I became a personal trainer and fitness coach to help women build confidence, feel better about themselves, and enjoy fitness and running and clean, nutritious eating!  

As co-owner of K Fit Studio, I love what I do because I love helping people, and I would love to help you!



Seven years ago I was the heaviest I had been since being pregnant, and I was stuck in a rut of eating poorly and rarely exercising – and hating myself for it.  The endless diets and “quick-fix” exercise programs I was constantly trying would work for a short time, but then a few weeks/months later, I would be right back where I started.  It was a never-ending cycle that I couldn’t pull myself out of.   A friend joined a group exercise program for women and encouraged me to go.  It was really, really tough at first.  Then slowly, but surely, I got into the best shape of my life.  I was feeling stronger, both physically and mentally, by the day.

What I realized is that the key to getting and, more importantly, staying healthy is to be in an environment where you’re with others who support and encourage you.  To be in a place where you make friends AND accountability partners.  To have loads of FUN even when you are working HARD and things get tough.

I wanted to be a part of creating just such a place - a place where I knew women would find an incredible community to join while on their fitness and health journey, and as co-owner of K Fit, I've been able to do that.  I am so excited to be able to help other women get healthy and strong and feel amazing!  I can’t wait for you to THRIVE at K Fit!



I have been an active human my whole life. When I was a child, my mom couldn't keep me in one place. I was always outside running, climbing trees, skateboarding, and BMX biking. I later focused my athleticism into soccer and played throughout high school.  In college I studied dance and took up bike commuting and touring. I joined the circus and studied trapeze.

Twelve years ago I found the sport of my dreams: Roller Derby, a full contact sport for women. When I started, I could barely skate. As my skills grew for the sport, my strength and conditioning also needed to grow. The higher the level of competition, the harder I had to train. A few years in, I was told I wouldn't be able to compete at the highest level because I was too small, so I started lifting big to gain strength and muscle mass. I'm now addicted to working out and being strong.

The same year I started playing roller derby, I began studying Chinese medicine. I focused my studies on structural diagnosis and injury recovery.  I'm now a certified acupuncturist and herbalist at my business, Sportland Acupuncture, specializing in sports medicine. As a personal trainer and an acupuncturist, I can utilize both both skill sets to work with clients who are recovering from injury and help athletes and active humans strength train to prevent injury.  I'm excited to work at K Fit in an environment that is comfortable for all women and bodies.

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I am a Group Fitness Instructor and Certified Personal Trainer recently transplanted to Portland from San Francisco.  I am an experienced TRX, Cardio Fit, Mat Core, Barre, and Senior Stability trainer.

As a dancer for over 25 years, movement has always been my greatest passion.  I believe we are our best selves when our minds and bodies are strong.

Everyone deserves to move through life with confidence, grace, and strength.  Whether you are new to fitness, returning to it, or looking to take your fitness to the next level, I am here to encourage you every step of the way.  With a little bit of sweat, hard work, and a whole lot of fun, together we can create a plan to achieve your goals.  A happy and healthy life is the best gift we can give ourselves!

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As a professional dancer that was coming off quite a few injuries and a dance teacher that was watching my students have chronic injuries I began to realize that dancers are not trained as athletes, so I embarked on a year long journey of learning that included personal training certification, corrective exercise specialist certification, and training in the dance injury prevention techniques of Embodied Awareness, Sugarfoot Therapies, and Progressing Ballet Technique.

I believe exercise is fundamental to living a well-balanced life, and am an avid supporter that exercise can prevent health problems and injuries, improve quality of life, and be a great step towards learning how to advocate for yourself and be your biggest fan.

A recent transplant to Oregon from Colorado I have been outside with my dog exploring the great PNW since I got here and am so excited to start my journey here at K Fit!


There is no better time than now to get moving and feel your best! As an un-athletic and uncoordinated kid, I grew into adulthood lacking physical self-awareness.

In 2014 I received a free month of a boot camp workout program and soon felt as strong and energized both mentally and physically as any time in my life.

It has been my good fortune to move to Southeast Portland and find K Fit, where I have been inspired, challenged, and encouraged so much that I decided to become a personal trainer.

I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). I am also a certified instructor of the Better Bones and Balance program developed by OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences, with additional training in osteoporosis-safe exercise through Sara Meeks Seminars.

Gardening, children’s literature, and working out are my hobbies. Fitness is a lifelong journey that isn’t linear. At times, our progress is affected by injuries, attitude, energy, and more. Wherever you are on your journey, I would love to help you feel your best and approach life with confidence and strength.



I am a Health and Hormonal Balance Coach, detox specialist, yogi, personal trainer, clean beauty junkie, and all-around food geek. As the owner of Bliss Holistic Health, LLC, I specialize in helping women balance their hormones, boost their metabolism, lose weight, and feel happy, healthy, and whole again. Based in Portland, Oregon, I assist clients nationwide via phone, email, and Skype.

I provide virtual detoxes and group programs. You can learn more at www.detoxwithabby.com.  My coaching philosophy is based on bio-individuality and my passion is creating lifestyle transformations for my clients by teaching them how to best support their body through proper nutrition and exercise.

I love running, yoga, juicing, and enjoying time with my wonderful husband and two teenage children.



I have always been an active person. Throughout high school I played soccer and ran track and field. Soccer continues to be my favorite sport to watch and to play today. As I grew older, organized sports ended. I needed to find some way to continue to stay active, which is when I discovered and fell in love with fitness.
As I started my journey into the fitness world, I realized not everyone has had such a positive experience with physical activity in their lives. My goal is to change that by making sure we have a whole lot of fun while training together! I’m here to help you feel comfortable, supported, and strong as you reach your fitness goals, no matter your ability level. I love the atmosphere and community K Fit has created and am so excited to be a part of the team.
By summer 2022 I’ll have my BS in Applied Health and Fitness and I’m currently an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer. When I’m not training you can find me enjoying the outdoors with my dog, at Thorns games, making art, and reading.