It's Spring!
The sun is shining as I write this. I know this is temporary and we'll probably have six more weeks of rain, but for now, I'll collect all the vitamin D I can. The daffodils and tulips are here or on their way, the trees are budding, the ground up on Tabor is muddy and green.
I'm excited to announce that we raised $437 in change for Operation Refugee Child in the month of February. All donations will go to shipping costs of supplies and goods collected for people who have had to leave everything behind. Bree Taggert was our contact for ORC and the photo shows her little girl (in pink/gray) and Kelley's daughter (in blue) with the empty change bucket turned into a check.
The Operation Refugee Child donation helpers.
Look at her!!
March's charity is the Pixie Project. This is near and dear to Tammy's heart as Penny, the most awesome dog ever, was adopted through the Pixie Project.
We have a basket at the gym for items needed most by the Pixie Project -- wet food, treats, and toys for dogs and cats. We are also collecting checks and cash donations. Shout out to Tam Driscoll for her idea of going to local pet shops and asking for donations. Pets on Broadway donated a case of canned food and some other items. Our Mom/Kids fundraiser workout happened last weekend and was so much fun.
Some other events:
April 2nd, at 8:30 am is our Tabor Fun Run and Walk. Run Mama Run will be joining us to train.
Don't mess with Scratcher in the Eye.
April 7th is the night we're going to the roller derby to cheer on Scratcher in the Eye and the Heartless Heathers v. Guns 'n' Rollers. Rose City Rollers is at Oaks Park roller rink. Get your tickets on their website and then let Mary know so that we can get seats together.
April 8th is our Spring Clothing Swap and fundraiser for our charity of the month, Rose Haven. Rose Haven is a day shelter for women and children facing homelessness or abuse.
Leftover items we can donated to them, but they are somewhat particular due to space constraints, so they want current season only stuff. They are currently looking for the following items: Leggings, athletic pants, long underwear, gloves, comfortable walking shoes, deodorant, razors, backpacks, rolling suitcases/carts, (new) panties and bras. Cash/check donations are also being accepted.
April 15th is our first big party at the gym! We're celebrating the anniversary of our grand opening with food, drink, music, dancing. We'll start at 6.
Trout Lake 5k, 10k and half marathon is Saturday, April 22nd. Sign up through their Facebook page (they don't have an official website).
We're also looking for alternates for the Bend Beer Chase. It's Saturday, June 3rd. We have four teams, six runners each, and we need some alternates!